OPEN YEAR-ROUND - Travel Getaways to Big Bear Lake - Safe AAA approved Big Bear Lake vacation rentals
Travel to Big Bear Lake is safe and all of us at Golden Bear Cottages Resort are looking forward to
seeing you in the near future. Big Bear remains one of the most-searched destinations on the Internet.
The hiking ops abound here, from a weekend getaway trip up to famous Big Bear mountain—
where you'll be rewarded with views of Big Bear Lake and great fishing, among other things—
always safe family adventures with social distancing.

At Big Bear Lake see bears at night, Bald Eagles, Redtail Hawk, deer, bobcat,
pelicans, ducks, geese, squirrel and raccoons during the day—even the occasional
Big Horn Sheep, mountain lion (if you're lucky).
Always something going on at Big Bear Lake. Join us for some much needed fun.
Golden Bear Cottages Big Bear Lake cabins for rent, best family vacation rentals, big bear lake
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Golden Bear Cottages Resort - AAA approved clean vacation cabin rentals
Bear Bear Golf Course is open. Great weather and the balls fly here