FISH BIG BEAR LAKE, FRESHWATER FISHING, FISH WITH YOUR FAMILY Multi-Language Fishing and Lodging Website Our staff speaks both SPANISH and ENGLISH "AAA approved cabins" - "cabañas aprobado de AAA" 2022 FISHING, BOATING and LAKE EVENT NEWS - provided by Fishing reports and information are provided by Jim Matthews with Big Bear Sporting Goods, Alan Sharp, Big Bear Marina, Fowler's Fish Tails by Cliff Fowler, John Cantrell with Cantrell Fishing Guide and the Big Bear Municipal Water District
Save Up To 25% today over local Mountain Hotels at Golden Bear Cottages resort! Make Family Fishing and Boating Travel Easy with our AAA Approved Travel Counselors. Pleasure Point Marina service *discount boat rental coupons* only available at Golden Bear Cottages resort office. Guests of Golden Bear Cottages are entitled to a 15% discount at Pleasure Point Marina with a signed coupon. News release Golden Bear Cottages pillows & queen beds are now Tempur-Pedic FOR A GREAT NIGHT'S SLEEP FOR FISHERMEN & THEIR FAMILY
Las especies más populares de peces que se encuentran en Big Bear Lake es la trucha arco iris. Es un lago de la pesca de la trucha de primer nivel porque es profundidades permiten que la trucha arco iris para prosperar, incluso en cálidos días de verano. The most popular species of fish found in Big Bear Lake is rainbow trout. It is a first-rate trout fishery lake because its depths allow rainbow trout to thrive, even in warmer summer days. cabins are available For 2022 Lucky Bear Fishing Charters -- Call 909-866-7303 For 2021/22 Lucky Bear Fishing Charters -- Call 909-866-7303 FISHING REPORT SEPTEMBER 15 - for Golden Bear Cottages guests
The cry for the reel fishing report has been heard. The saying "no news is good news" doesn't always hold true since there has been nothing good to report for months. It has been a rough start to our spring fishing, however we are seeing a bit of light at the end of the tunnel as for now.
It's very interesting after you drop 12k lbs. of rainbow trout into the lake that people start to catch Rainbow trout "weird". This weekend was a perfect example of just that. The 50K was a hit as folks from California and beyond came to try their luck on slaying the power ball fish. I hear that fishing was good and most caught some, and a few caught a lot, and scattered in were a few real monsters that hit the scales.
The DFW has been showing us a touch of love and dropping a load of rainbows here and there which adds to filling up every nook and cranny with Pescado.
The water is warming and the lake is beginning to stratify and be fickle which will help suppress the algae bloom that seems to be hampering our visibility among other things. Currently sinking Rapalas and leaded line used to sink a colorful needle fish are producing.
Drifting dough bait is always a great go-to if nothing else seems to be enticing a bite. We are not far away from the magical suspended fish slip bobbing extravaganza AKA "controlled depth fishing" which happens every summer when the lake layers (stratifies). The lake is warming fast and this will change everything. Lakes are like snowflakes and this one is melting fast. Spring bass fishing has been phenomenal; we are seeing excellent size and numbers.
Crank baits and plastics are smoking them; super-hot bait is the smoke colored gitzit tube bates.
We are seeing a few catfish showing up along with a hand full of bullheads. Cut mackerel is also a go-to along with the magic of anything that smells like feet. The moment you all have been waiting for, the carp are up and everywhere. The spawn just keeps on going like an energizer bunny. Lots of folks are taking advantage of the early spawn and sharpening their skills for the greatest tournament on earth. The 14th annual Carp Round-up will be taking off without a hitch on the 17th and 18th of June. We are only taking the first 10,000 entrants so snooze you lose. Raffle is out of control this year everyone wins. Guest Fishing report "We take care of all Golden Bear Cottages guests who come to fish with us. We give them lasting memories, and many will come back for more great Big Bear Lake fishing experiences, year after year after year. Thank you."
Ahorrar hasta un 25% en la actualidad más de Hoteles de montaña! Hacer viajes más fácil con nuestros asesores de viaje AAA aprobado. "Nosotros nos encargamos de todos los huéspedes Golden Bear Cottages que vienen a pescar con nosotros. Damos ellos recuerdos duraderos, y muchos a volver por más grande Experiencias de pesca en Big Bear Lake, año tras año tras año. Gracias. " Big Bear Lake, California - Charter Fishing Trips Lucky Bear Fishing Charters - Fish Big Bear Lake -
Lucky Bear Fishing Charters - We have moved to our new location at Fawn Harbor! View map Lucky Bear Fishing Charters provides the perfect way to spend a day relaxing and fishing for rainbow trout with friends and family. Our Pleasure Point Marina location on Southern California's Big Bear Lake is convenient to Las Vegas, Tucson, Scottsdale, Phoenix and San Diego.
Our Rainbow Trout Fishing Trip Packages Include: Lucky Bear Fishing Charters is operated by Mike and Trish, the only husband and wife professionally licensed charter fishing guides on Big Bear Lake. FISHING, BOATING and LAKE EVENT NEWS - provided for you by The Big Bear Lake Marketing Association Updated Fishing Reports for Golden Bear Cottages guests Fish - Fish - Fish - Fish - Fish Big Bear Lake, Fish - Fish - Fish Big Bear Lake, Fish - Fish - Fish Big Bear Lake Big Bear Lake weather UPDATED - fishing and boating weather forecast Weather details hour by hour: Golden Bear Cottages in Big Bear Lake FISHING and BOATING FORECAST ---- Pesca y la navegación PRONÓSTICO FISH - Big Bear Lake fishing & boating. 11-14 Lake surface water temp. 45 degrees Most current Big Bear Lake fishing and boating weather forecasts Fish reports for Big Bear Lake Big Bear Lake Fishing Report - SEPTEMBER 30, 2017 This may be the easiest report I have ever put together because the fishing is that good and it really doesn't matter what I say, YOU WILL CATCH FISH. Currently Rapala and Needlefish are working well on the troll. The folks using the drift method have been very successful as well. Dough bait from the shoreline is always a good go-to this time of the year. The Lake is packaged full of beautiful trout right now and we are seeing some of the best fishing in a decade. The water is mixed so there is no honey hole at the present time however the fish are moving to the west as the water warms. So get out and try your luck and catch something for the grill. Bass fishing is good along the structure; we have seen a lot of fish in the three pound range. The carp have not shown their face as of yet but we hope to see sprinklings of uglys soon as the granddaddy tournament of them all is rapidly approaching. Join our Big Bear Lake Vacation Club and save FISHING TIP OF THE WEEK The water clarity is pretty good this time of year so use the lightest line you can, 4lb or less works for most applications.  Big Bear Lake, CA detailed weather forecast:
Fishing Weather forecast for Big Bear Lake for this week FISHING, BOATING and LAKE EVENT NEWS - provided by The Big Bear Lake Marketing Association Archived Fishing Report for Golden Bear Cottages guests ------- AAA FISHING TIP OF THE YEAR - 2017 We planted over a million fish last fall and trout fishing has already been very good with DFW adding a few nice truckloads of catchables lately. We are seeing quite a few limits of respectable fish hitting the scales. The fish are scattered all over the massive body of water and working the surface when the sun is high in the sky with a big pile of metal flashy stuff and a crawler on your line always seems to work this time of the year. For shore fishing folks, the magical dough bait on a light lined leader with a sliding sinker will produce as always. I like the light colors of dough bait like white and the patriotic American flag; red, white, and blue as a go-to color when the water is cold. Besides, if you don't catch a fish it makes you feel like you are living the American dream.
P.S., Catfish and bass are good summer fishing at Big Bear Lake
ARCHIVED 2016 FISH REPORTS Fishing Report for Golden Bear Cottages guests -- Oct. 31, 2016 This past week we covered the entire west end and majority of the rainbow trout were hitting along the north shore from Windy Point to the dam. Our depths were from the surface to 20 feet. All times of day have been good fishing and late afternoon tends to pick up particularly near dusk. Leaded lines at 3 to 4 colors and down riggers running from 3 to 6 feet and 13 to 15 feet most times. Flicker Shads on the surface, Needlefish, Dick Nites, Little Warriors and PK Lures proto type flies and flutter fish were the hottest lures of the week on leaded lines and night crawlers or various spoons on down riggers. The weather has been great with the exception of a few showers and a bit of lighting but as quick as it arrived it cleared out and fishing remained strong. In a three hour trip we caught 6-24 fish this past week so timing has been key to the fish count! Mornings are a bit hit and miss, mid day is fine and afternoon to dusk has been best. High risk Big Bear Lake rain or snow days for the next month that will affect fishing: weather predictions here big-bear-lake-30-day-weather-forecast-i/ Fish - Fish - Fish - Fish - Fish Big Bear Lake, Fish - Fish - Fish Big Bear Lake, Fish - Fish - Fish Big Bear Lake